What is Secret Agent?
Secret Agent is a live action game where everyone will send in their name, major, organization, a personal bio, and 3 hints about where they might be found on and off campus. From there, everyone is assigned a "target." The purpose of the game is to find that target and tag them out with a sticky note. Once the player is tagged out, they give their "Secret Agent" their target, and the "Secret Agent" then tries to tag out the new target and so on and so on until only one survivor stands.
What are the roles someone can play in Secret Agent?
*Target and Secret Agent
* Godfather (selected members of Lambda Kappa Pi who organize the game and assign everyone's targets. These are the people you will communicate with when you've completed a mission and you're ready to get your next Target).
*Ghosts (People who have been tagged out who accompany others on their missions. As a ghost you may not tag out a target)
Does it cost money to play? How do I pay?
Yes, it costs $5 to play, but the money goes directly to our Philanthropy The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please click the PayPal Link directly at the bottom of the website, and pay $5. Please include your full name and organization when paying! Please click the "Sign Up/Login" option at the top of the page for more information!
How do I find my Target?
This is one of the best parts of the game! It's time to get to know your fellow greeks, even the one's you don't know super well. Reach out to people you know in their organzation, and be willing to help when someone reaches out to you!
When does the game start and end?
Monday, March 23rd at midnight (as in the morning of the 23rd, not evening. So Sunday at 11:59 is not game, but once the clock strikes midnight, it's on). The game ends Friday, April 3rd.