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Name: Marina Goldstein


Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: History/Political Science

Three Hints: I can only study where it's dead silent, My roomies and I love watching the Bachelor at home every Tuesday night (off campus), There's always a good possibility that at the Santa Rosa Plaza shopping my life away.

Bio: My name is Marina Goldstein and I'm from Santa Barbara, California. I am a junior Sonoma and have been going to SSU since freshman year. I sleep in for days so don't expect to find me out during the mornings (seriously, I sleep in til 2 or 3pm if I can). I also am a major procrastinator so catch me at the 24 hour lab if you're lucky;) I love sandwiches. My favorite food places are SVB, Sandwich Spot, Ike's, and Oliver's. That is all.



Name: Alexandra Lauron

Nickname: Lexi

Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Pre-Nursing

Three Hints: In my house--binge watching One Tree Hill and Skins also probably crafting..

I also have classes all over campus (which is a total drag, but gladly I finally don't have a class in the art building! WOO!)

You will also probably find me at target..looking at $5 DVDs

Bio: Hello lovely faces! I am Lexi and I am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi! I am currently a Pre-Nursing major with a psychology minor. I enjoy hanging out with sisters and friends and getting to know new people. I am currently planning a huge trip to Europe that I will hopefully take within the next two years! Okay..that is all!


Name: Katrina Romero


Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: English

Three Hints: Target! I spend an embarrassing amount of time there, and usually find an excuse to go every day or so.

My House. I live on campus, and usually hole up there when I'm done with classes to avoid homework and watch Netflix.

Rioja. One of my best friends lives in this village, and I spend an obscene amount of time at her place.

Bio: Hello, enemies. My name is Katrina, and I play to win. I am extremely competitive, and enough of a homebody that I feel like I have a decent chance of surviving in this game. As you can see, I am also very humble. My hobbies include procrastination via Netflix, taking long naps at various times throughout the day, and quoting Spongebob. I also enjoy pizza and men with exceptional facial hair. Ready? Let's play.


Name: Tiana Barrios

Nickname: Teebird

Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Kinesiology

Three Hints: 1. Rhymes with Tim.

2. They have the best burritos and the worst sandwiches on campus.

3. This building has the most stories on campus.

Bio: I'm a sophomore from a really small town called Fall River Mills. My senior high school class only had 32 students. So I'm really the outdoorsy type, some of my favorite hobbies are dirtbiking, hiking, and waterfall jumping. At Sonoma I really enjoy hanging out with friends, going to the pool, and being a part of Greek life. (:


Name: Brooklyn Klepl


Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: ENSP

Three Hints: If I am working, which I am most days, I will be in the student center!

Most of my classes are in Stevenson. I live in Beaujolais. You will not find me in the Kitchens because regrettably I did not get a meal plan this year :(

Bio: Hi :) I pretty much love Netflix, so if I'm not in class or the student center, I am probably watching Grey's Anatomy (which I just started and I am super addicted to already!) I am also a super dog person so if there are dogs on campus, I will most likely be there petting it. My favorite color is yellow but I also like orange, but not the gross orange; the nice sunset kind of one. Oh, and I am pretty happy most of the time... OK thats all I've got...

Name: Katherine Chilidonia

Nickname: Kat

Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Music Education

Three Hints: Where I like to grab a snack or stay up late to study you'll always find me at Shari's. I live and breath at the GMC a musicians heart that's where I'll be. As bookworms home  

Bio: I'm a music ed student and enjoy everything music related concerts are the best! I also like Food  and  hanging out with friends.

Name: Sierra huntsinger


Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Business

Three Hints: library, Home, Gym

Bio: chilax AOII mostly in the library between class! Watch out I will run away!

Name: Amy Duncan


Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Criminal Justice

Three Hints: -The Gym

- Swirl Time

- Starbucks

Bio: I am a sophomore and I am a Criminal Justice Major. I am from Orange County and I am in Alpha Omicron Pi!


Name: Lucia Tropeano

Nickname: Chia

Organization: Alpha Omicron Pi

Major: Undeclared

Three Hints: 1. Most on my classes are in one of the only buildings on campus named after a woman.

2. My classes start at 1 everyday exact for thursday when I have an 8am.

3. I live on campus but I can't study for my life at my dorm.

Bio: Hi! Im am from a really small town named Sonoma (not Ropo the actual town haha). I am on the Sonoma State Equestrian team as well as being involved in Greek Life. On the Equestrian team I ride english but I do not jump haha. I am undeclared but I want to double major in WGS and Human Development! I love to hangout with my friends, ride horses, work out and study haha just kidding. Im super excited about this game but to be honest a little scared! but I just wanna say to my enemies...Ketch me if you can!!!!!!

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